About Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a steroid hormone produced by the body. Cholesterol is therefore an important metabolite for your health. Here is a list of benefits of normal cholesterol production.

  • Makes your skin water proof
  • Building block for sex hormones
  • Cell membranes
  • Cellular structures
  • Vit D
  • Likely many more for science to discover or reveal

The present understanding suggest that there are good and bad versions of cholesterol. Good cholesterol will package fat and deliver it to the liver for disposal HDL. This is good because the liver will help eliminate the excess, therefore the subject is said to be “in the clear”.

Bad cholesterol packages fat and sends it to the body. This is really only bad if excess cholesterol is produced. The excess is problematic when plaques (which have cholesterol as a component) build up in arteries. Shoud there be a high build up in the Heart then Coronary Heart Disease is imminent. Likewise thickening of blood vessels in the brain lead to Stroke.

Many in the allopathic field will readily suggest low-fat diet, exercise and a follow up in 2-4 months. Should the person reach a certain age or unsuccessful at lowering their total cholesterol, a prescription statin is considered the remedy.

Our Strategy for Results

  • The Academy will help normalize our clients numbers via exercise, diet & food supplementation.
  • The Academy supports Lifestyle management to reduce Circulatory health risks.
  • These adjustments are in line with changes the subjet can live with.

Step 1. Your Intention

Life's challenges are relentless.

Like the river that neither loves nor hates, still, if you must deal with the river, there can be no hesitation.

Step 2. Results Coach

Let's get to work.

Coach customizes your nutrition and exercise plan and evaluates your progress.

Step 3. Evaluate

Assessment is vital to your journey.

Initial and incremental health assessments provide data for which goals are set and progress is monitored.

Step 4. Nourish

Food is life-giving.

Nutritious substances in food are essential building blocks and repair agents.

Step 5. Train

You are what you do repeatedly.

Training sets the stage for potential dominance. Increased endurance, flexibility, and strength are developed.

Step 6. Restore

Physiological concept of "Super-Compensation."

Applying stress to the organism with the expected outcome of incremental improvement is the ultimate goal of training.

Contact Me

The genesis of your journey helps the Coach lay a proper strategy.  Together, we will realize incremental progress.
“You deserve better. Let’s go to work.” – Coach Donald Baker
