Body Systems and Strength Training


Vocabulary – body composition, Lean Body Mass, protein synthesis
What do these activities do for you?

  • Reactivate protein synthesis
  • Improve strength
  • Decrease abdominal fat
  • Ultimately, maintenance of independence

Sarcopenia is defined as the steady/persistent loss of Lean Body Mass (LBM) as a result of Aging. The process is said to commence in your mid 20’s and though a person’s weight may be somewhat stable, the composition of that weight shifts in an undesirable direction. Fat weight begins to replace lean weight systemically leading to:

  • Lower energy levels
  • Loss of strength
  • Increase in abdominal fat
  • A decrease in insulin sensitivity
  • Negative body image…

“People do not stop playing because of aging; people age because they stop playing.”

AntiAging Academy seeks to help you regain youthful protein synthesis. Youths metabolism is innately anabolic (building up) by nature. Cell turnover is steady, never really getting old. New tissue is produced by rapid-fire. When observing people in advancing in their years, a loss of function “Frailty” becomes increasingly apparent. Please understand that loss of function = reduced independence or steps closer to assisted living.

This set of activities done at the recommended frequency helps maintain physical function and the strength to continue performing recreation activities or at the least activities of daily living.

Sarcopenia is a preventable health risk that must be addressed Now. The small daily investment of time starts working immediately.

Diabetes (Type 2)

Vocabulary Hormone, insulin resistance
Why do these activities?

Enhanced insulin sensitivity, better blood sugar management, reduce body fat and eliminate the need for *exogenous insulin.
Defined-Type 2 diabetes is primarily due to lifestyle factors and genetics. Several lifestyle factors are known to be relevant to the development of type 2 diabetes, including obesity, lack of physical activity, and poor diet.

Exercise burns excess calories, provided there is an adequate dose of activity. Small amounts of exercise will unlikely over-ride an abusive relationship with former foods. However, as one begins to balance nutrition with metabolic needs, there will be a decreased need for insulin. In addition to burning calories and reducing excess body fat, the real value of exercise is allowing the body to dispose of blood sugar properly.

A muscle thing
Your skeletal muscles are like a hybrid electric auto. They are switching between energy sources based on demand. Fat is a wonderful fuel in the long term, while sugar is the starter fuel. So muscles access both energy sources. Back to the concept of extra/excess calories, your muscles are where insulin wants to store sugar.

The catch?
Yep, there is a catch. It seems the body can store vast amounts of fat, but the muscles have a limited ability to store sugar and once they are at capacity… I bet you can guess what happens next. Sugar in the blood gets converted to fat. Worse still, the muscles begin losing their natural ability to take up sugar, can you spell Insulin Resistance?

Take a close look at your family history, revisit your fasting glucose (better still A1c), and lastly make a commitment to stay off the insulin, and choose a drug-free lifestyle. Diabetes prevention is very doable with a healthy dose of discipline,

You up to it?
