Your Wellness Profile

Your destination is significant. The genesis of your journey helps the Coach lay a proper strategy, and incremental progress is actualized. Reassessment and setting new goals keep the program alive.

Step-Up to Wellness

How does the program do this? Data!

The best way to save time on a road trip is by using a map. Little deviations make for wandering. When it comes to your Wellness, “all who wander are lost!” During your 1st year, 3 Comprehensive Wellness Profiles are recommended. You should continue to “check your compass.” This practice assures there are no surprises concerning your future Wellness.

Blood Test

The blood test is a picture of a persons Health status. Working from this starting point any nutritional deficiencies must be addressed. Your food choices and supplementation need no longer be subjective and or impulsive. Biotics Research provides analysis specific to your profile. The test can be ordered from any local Direct labs.  A 12 hour fast is strongly recommended for the Comprehensive Wellness Profile (CPW).

  • Question: How do I order my Comprehensive Wellness Profile?
  • Answer: Click HERE to join the AntiAging Academy team, Elite 3%.

  • Question: How long will it take to receive the results?
  • Answer: Results are received in approximately seven days.

  • Question: Can I submit my most recent blood test from my annual exam?
  • Answer: We strongly recommend using Direct Laboratory Services, LLC, an AntiAging Academy vendor.

Body Composition

The Academy uses an Ultrasound testing device, no pinch, no pain to provide initial data from which goals are set and progress monitored. It is important to appreciate the concept that improvement in Lean Body Mass (LBM) is a foundation of this program. LBM is a crucial driver of multiple metabolic functions. Fat loss is significant, but secondary.

Contact Us

The genesis of your journey helps the Coach lay a proper strategy.  Together, we will realize incremental progress.
“You deserve better. Let’s go to work.” – Coach
