About Reducing Fat

Obesity is a major health issue in the developed world. With the available technology, advances in education, scientific breakthroughs, where could we be going wrong? Calories in vs. Calories out, right?

Yeh, sort of, often heard in the mainstream when someone has discretionary calories is “I will burn off” the extra tomorrow at the gym. So how is that working for you? All you have to do is visit any commercial gym for the answer.

The treadmills are full; classes are packed, everyone is sincere. Yet their waistlines remain well beyond desirable measures. Even the crowd moving weights around are carrying extra pounds. They could exercise more weight, more sets and more reps still my money is on a high failure rate. So, where does one find the secret?
There is no secret only denial that diet is the solution. Without fail, when I see someone who is having success, I will comment with a compliment on their progress. 90% say that they changed their diet. Herein lies the secret.

Slippery Slope

It is true that a reduction in calories will cause weight loss. But what about AntiAging weight management? Do I still have to eat less? Get ready for this one. You can eat less with less distress of craving. You can eat less and still provide your cells with sufficient nourishment. Your AntiAging nutrition strategy will help you gain the upper hand on long-term health.

Here is a major take-home message for you. Not everything you eat is food! Remember the tenant, Food is Life-giving. Food must never be a burden on your AntiAging path. With that stated you, 1st must regularly meet your optimal nutrient intake.

Seek to eliminate Former foods! That’s right since everything available to eat is not food, be on the lookout for and ready to substitute actual food for the former food choices all too available.

Actual Food

Real food is often called whole food, you know, unprocessed or minimally processed food. Here is how the Academy defines actual food. Edible items easily and correctly identified without a label. A fish, an egg, an apple, a carrot, a bunch of spinach, etc.

Are you getting the picture? A label says this used to be food, we ( packaged snack manufacturers) have changed this item from actual food to this list of added ingredients. Stated another way, “this ingredient label is your warning about what you are about to eat, just thought you wanted to know.”


Yep, the label is right there for all to see. The problem is we (yep even me) likely have grown up eating this stuff. Our parents bought into the convenience bought into the “Snack trap,” and what can we do about it now? Now that addiction has its hooks well established. Please, if you want to deny that addiction is the right word, then check the definition for yourself. Better still, try going without sugar in any for 2 weeks. And just what do you think is the primary motivation of the Snack Man? “Let me make this easy for you.”
The primary goal of the Snack Man is:

  • Your health
  • Profit for the Big Corp

My answer about Obesity certainly includes exercise. As training does so many wonderful benefits. Sets up the body to create a mild caloric deficit (fat loss), promotes systemic circulation (expedited nutrient delivery), challenges the body to make new and stronger cells (growth and repair), improves mood (mental health), promotes restful sleep, and on, and on, and on.

While you enjoy all of the above (it is a great lifestyle),
Eliminating Former Foods from your meal plan is the Best Plan to defeat Obesity.

Our Strategy for Results

  • AntiAging nutrition will guide you on your path for obesity prevention.
  • Upon initial data collection (Comprehensive Wellness Profile) Blood test. The test runs a panel of critical indicators, e.g., cholesterol, blood sugar, thyroid stats, triglycerides, strength, body composition – lean body mass, healthy weight, and activity levels.
  • Anthropomorphic measurements, waist to hip ratio, height & weight.
  • Initial goal setting address present conditions, family history (genetic tendencies), highly motivating personal goals.
  • Follow up tests are quarterly, semi-annual, or as otherwise recommended.

Step 1. Your Intention

Life's challenges are relentless.

Like the river that neither loves nor hates, still, if you must deal with the river, there can be no hesitation.

Step 2. Results Coach

Let's get to work.

Coach customizes your nutrition and exercise plan and evaluates your progress.

Step 3. Evaluate

Assessment is vital to your journey.

Initial and incremental health assessments provide data for which goals are set and progress is monitored.

Step 4. Nourish

Food is life-giving.

Nutritious substances in food are essential building blocks and repair agents.

Step 5. Train

You are what you do repeatedly.

Training sets the stage for potential dominance. Increased endurance, flexibility, and strength are developed.

Step 6. Restore

Physiological concept of "Super-Compensation."

Applying stress to the organism with the expected outcome of incremental improvement is the ultimate goal of training.

Contact Me

The genesis of your journey helps the Coach lay a proper strategy.  Together, we will realize incremental progress.
“You deserve better. Let’s go to work.” – Coach Donald Baker

    Reduce Fat