Food is Life-Giving

You will learn to time your meals.
You will learn the ease of regularly including highly nutritious foods that taste great!


A healthy diet seeks to address any overt deficiencies in macronutrients. Understanding that many factors make diet alone unlikely to optimize health. Therefore, supplementation may be recommended. Your Comprehensive Wellness Profile, past/present conditions, and family history all apply. Limiting factors include; skipping meals, devitalized snacks, uninformed choices, polluted air and water, stress are influencers.

Eat real food, often called whole food, unprocessed or minimally processed. Here is how the Academy defines actual food, edible items easily, and correctly identified without a label. A fish, an egg, an apple, a carrot, a bunch of spinach, etc.

A label says this used to be food, we (packaged snack manufacturers) have changed this item from actual food to this list of added ingredients. Stated another way, “this ingredient label is your warning about what you are about to eat, just thought you wanted to know.”

AntiAging nutrition will guide you on your path to optimal nourishment.

  • Upon initial data collection (Comprehensive Wellness Profile) Blood test. The test runs a panel of critical indicators, e.g., cholesterol, blood sugar, thyroid stats, triglycerides, strength, body composition – lean body mass, healthy weight, and activity levels.
  • Anthropomorphic measurements, waist to hip ratio, height & weight.
  • Initial goal setting address present conditions, family history (genetic tendencies), highly motivating personal goals.
  • Follow up tests are quarterly, semi-annual, or as otherwise recommended.

Starter Personal Nutrition Plan

Nutrition Plan for 12 weeks
Initial Comprehensive Wellness Profile
Three-Body Composition Assessments
Your investment $295 + tax (supplements not included) Add to Cart


All nutritious substances in food are essential as building blocks and repair agents.  These nutrients must be in regular supply for a thriving life.

Get the details. It's free.

Avocado Raspberry Salad
Baked Cauliflower Chicken
Mango Strawberry Bowl
Rosemary Lemon Chicken
Healthy Sampler
Smoked Salmon
